Instructional design with Nao-Robot

Claudia Perez Martinez, Magally Martínez Reyes, Anabelem Soberanes Martin, Pablo Lázaro Hernández, Cristina Juárez Landin


This document shows a first trying to develop an instructional session with Nao robot. The objective is to identify the additional requirements to become Nao enough skilled to develop a learning-teaching process. By utilizing instructional models classic elements are identified to be developed by the Nao robot to run and encourage the incorporation of a basic concept of programming.  This proposal seeks to contribute to the area of educational robotics in the paradigm of materials development and use of a specific programming methodology for this type of robot. A first approach to the usefulness and usability of the proposed instructional design is explored in college students in a test session.

Palabras clave

Nao robot; Robot Services; Learning Path; Teaching Sequences

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